Sunday, February 28, 2010

Kong's new Philadelphia mural design

Also, I think it is good to share with you all of my recent Philadelphia mural design painted color layout. If the organization can raise enough money, then I may work on this mural this August. So I have upload the design and prospective look once the mural is painted on the wall.

Joel's recent Detour Mural

I have seen Joel's recent Detour Mural on his Facebook. I know it was a joint art activity with the HARAYA last year, but other members may not have the chance to see this community mural. So I post the on-site mural picture here to share with you all.

Martie's new still-life painting

Martie has just finished her still-life demonstration painting for her painting classes. So she wants to share with all of you. I think it is good ideas for our core members to use our blog to post some recent work in order to encourage each other to work on our art, no matter is personal or public.

Saturday, February 27, 2010